Cloud Survey
The corona crisis has accelerated digital transformation, especially when it comes to the digital workplace. But what about other domains on the digital highway such as your cloud strategy? MiCRONOS and the Cronos Groep conducted an in-depth research to map the digital maturity of large and medium-sized Belgian companies. Download the Cloud Survey Report here, and get an immediate glimpse of the results and insights that can strengthen your cloud strategy.
Download the Cloud Survey
Bent u cloud first of digital first?
Een ‘digital first’-aanpak is een ambitie van grote bedrijven in bijna alle sectoren. De cloud staat daarmee hoog op de agenda. Maar in hoeverre zijn deze ambities al realiteit voor bedrijven?
Why a MiCRONOS Cloud Survey Report?
CIO’s and IT Managers of 160 large and medium-sized Belgian organizations took part in the Cloud Survey and talked about their experiences and strategy around the cloud. We summarize the main numbers, trends and insights in this Cloud Survey Report. Download the report to discover more. De belangrijkste cijfers, trends en inzichten vatten we in dit Survey Rapport voor u samen. Download het rapport en ontdek meer.